Saturday, May 17, 2008

South Beach Comes to Worcester!

The last time I posted, I was on the "Skinny Bitch" diet. That didn't last very long, but it did introduce me to the idea of eating less, and more healthy. I was already eating pretty well, but that eating method forced me to add more vegetables into my diet. I saved a lot of money because I made my lunch almost every day, and didn't eat out as much.

Now, however, I'm eating meat, dairy, and Splenda. Yikes! I've been working out regularly for a couple of years, but I wanted to get to within a healthy BMI range. A friend suggested I do the South Beach Diet. He said it was easy, healthy, and not like Atkins. So... I got the book and started the next day. Well, I tried to start the next day, but since I had a dinner outing with the girls, and alcohol is off-limits for the first 2 weeks, I had to wait until the next day.

The next day, I had some Indian food. That's not in the South Beach diet, so the official start was 2 weeks ago, Sunday, May 4.

So far, I'm a fan of the South Beach Diet. The first 2 weeks is heavy on veggies and protein. I pretty much eat a spinach omelet (no cheese) with vegetable juice for breakfast (pretty good), a string cheese for snack (I can't believe I like it), salad with grilled chicken for lunch, an afternoon snack of nuts or hummus or something, and then a healthy dinner (chicken or fish or tofu with vegs). I follow the meal plan in the book so it's really easy.

There's a dessert in the book that's on the menu daily. It's part skim ricotta cheese with either vanilla, lemon or lime zest, or unsweetened cocoa powder, and Splenda. It doesn't sound that good, but it's not bad. Especially after not having had much sweet food all day. Jello is on the lunch menu, which is good (sugar-free, of course) and I do love Jello.

One snack I didn't like was the lettuce wrap. Lettuce, deli turkey or ham, and mayo (I used mustard). It didn't sit well at all.

Eating out isn't that tough, especially if you like fish. I had a fantastic meal at Legal Test Kitchen, and at the Atlantic Fish Company. Reviews to come later.

I'm moving into Phase 2 tomorrow. I'm going on a cruise, so this should be a challenging week!

P.S. I lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks!!