Monday, October 30, 2006

A bad idea

In an effort to stop spending an outrageous amount of money on lunch at work everyday, to eat a little healthier, and because I noticed that I've been going out to dinner waaay too frequently, I decided to try a little frozen food action.

I bought some Lean Cuisines. You know the ones, where the really annoying single mid-thirties women talk about how they all had ridiculous dinners, until the one smug woman raves about the gourmet meal she had. Well, they were on sale at the local Hannaford (love that grocery store. it's really clean and the people are nice. and the bakery looks really yummy. but back to the healthy part.) so I picked up a week's worth on the way to work. I also had some apples and a yogurt to supplement.

Well. I ate the itsy bitsy bowl of pasta (about 10 noodles in all), chicken and broccoli and while it was actually pretty good, I was starving about an hour later. Good thing I had that apple.

The next day, I tried again. Again, starving within minutes. But this time, instead of going for the healthy afternoon snack, like the yogurt that was sitting in the fridge, I bought a bag of Cheetos from the cafeteria. Ate the whole bag. 3 servings, 10 grams of fat each. Yahoo. Not only did I feel gross, but strangely satisfied, the excess salt gave me a canker sore.

This week. I'm still on the Lean Cuisine train, since I have 5 more in the freezer, but I'm sticking to the healthy snacks and eating oatmeal for breakfast.

Lean Cuisines I'd recommend:
Creamy Basil Chicken
Garlic Beef and Broccoli
Manicotti with red sauce. I wasn't hungry for about 3 hours. Not bad.

A nasty one: Chicken Portabello
The wild rice was hard, and the dessert was basically cherry pie filling with some melted chocolate in it. Gross and not worth the calories. Unfortunately, I have another one of these in my freezer. I might have to give it away.

1 comment:

me said...

Lean Cuisines are probably the most palateable of all the frozen affordable meals. Anything with pasta and "cream" sauce isn't too bad. And yes, I am starving a few hours later.