Saturday, November 18, 2006

Fundraiser Chocolates

There aren't too many children in my neighborhood, and I feel like, if they make the effort to climb all 36 steps to ring my bell and ask me to buy something, I'll help out. (steep, huh? The picture cuts off some of the bottom steps.)

So, in September, I bought some Kathryn Beich peanut butter cups. They just came last week and boy, are they good! Melt in your mouth chocolate, and great peanut butter filling. Doesn't taste nasty, like those gross Palmer Easter candies.

I also bought some PB Cups and Dulce de Leche Girl Scout candies. They are waiting on the dining room table for me to either eat, in a fit of weakness, or give away, in a fit of generosity. I'm dying to know if they're good, though, so they probably won't last too long. (Oooh, maybe I'll bring them to Thanksgiving.)

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