Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Dunkariffic Experience

Location: Dunkin Donuts Drivethrough, Grafton St, Worcester

DD Employee: I'll be right with you...I'll be right with you... One minute

[3 minute wait]

DDE: Ok, what can I get for you? (Lots of water running, clinking of metal on metal, and many conversations in the background)

Us: Small gingerbread latte, no whipped cream.
DDE: Anything else?
I've changed my mind so:
Us: Actually, please add the whipped cream.
DDE: Okay.
Us: Also, a medium half coffee, half hot chocolate.
DDE: That's basically a dunkaccino.
Us: No, I just want regular coffee, not the cappuccino coffee.
[Lots of back and forth, until finally, we drive up to the window.]

Here's where it gets interesting. One DDE takes our money, and returns with our change. Another employee altogether delivers my gingerbread latte, but forgot the whipped cream. He quickly returns with the modified drink, and kind of looks at us. We ask where the coffee/cocoa is.

DDE: Oh, that's right. (because it's been all of 3 minutes since we ordered)

He returns quickly with the coffee/cocoa, and pleasantly asks how my latte is. We chat about whether it's coffee or syrup (it's syrup with caramel and gingerbread flavoring), and then, drive off, laughing. The funniest part was that the DDE was checking in on us as if we were dining in. It was the slowest drive through experience, but not unpleasant.

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