Friday, April 27, 2007

Satisfying the Mall Thirst

You have five dollars, you’ve been at the mall for four hours, and you’re really thirsty. You need a pick-me-up, and a water or a Coke just won’t do. You want a good, satisfying beverage. I’ve been in this situation twice recently, both times at the Providence Place Mall.
The first time, I’d been to each and every shoe store twice, and bought some at the very first store I entered. This day called for an Orange Julius. Last time I had one was probably at least 5 years ago, at the Auburn Mall. The OJ tastes the same as it did back in the day: orangey, creamy, and slightly unnatural. This one wasn’t as foamy as I remembered, but it did the trick. Price: about $4.

The second time, I was wiped out and had a long night ahead of me, so I opted for the caffeinated route. There’s a coffee shop right outside of Nordstrom’s. You can get normal coffee there, plus all the fancy stuff, and dessert. I went for the Iced Caffe Mocha. My shopping buddy got the Iced Caramel Mocha. Both were fantastic: just enough caffeine, the flavoring didn’t overpower the coffee flavor, and the grande was large enough to make it all the way home from Providence to Worcester (though, I sipped it kind of slowly, I’ll admit.) Price: about $9 for the two coffees.

(by the way, I think $4 is RIDICULOUS for an iced coffee, but I'll indulge if the occasion is right.)

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