Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Life on the run: Nutrition Bars

This is not going to be an in-depth review of all the protein and nutrition bars out there. Instead, it's going to be a brief listing of the flavors of Clif and Luna bars I've had recently. Just so you know.

Yesterday, Brooks Pharmacy only had one flavor of Luna bar and the only other bars they had were in the Zone. I was in a rush, running from Pilates to knitting (oh the exciting life I lead), so I just grabbed it. Lemon Zest. A crunchy rice-y bar with lemon frosting on one side. It was so-so. Kind of tasted like Lemon Pledge, but not in a bad way. Didn't make me feel sick to my stomach with sweetness, like the Cranberry Almond Clif bar did.

Today, I stocked up on 5 flavors of Luna bar (on sale for $1.00 each). I had a Cookies and Cream with white frosting and am glad I only bought one. Didn't really taste like chocolate at all, just sort of flavorless. Didn't make me feel sick though, and I wasn't hungry for about 2 hours.

I don't like Power Bars - nasty consistency, and the Harvest ones just don't taste good. Clif bars are too sweet and also too big - I feel like I should eat the whole thing but then I get sick of it and it's wasted. Also, they have a consistency like extra-dense dates. Really, not what I need when I'm hungry.

So far, the Luna bars have the best consistency.

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