Monday, April 07, 2008

Snyder's Multi Grain White Cheddar Puffs

I just bought the new Snyder's Multi Grain White Cheddar Puffs and I have to say, I recommend them. Small servings, though. If you eat too many, you stop tasting the cheese flavor and then you're just wasting calories. They sort of taste like Pirate's Booty, except they have a nice crunch and little brown specks of what I guess are the multitudes of grains. And they're shaped like little logs. Go out and get some for yourself!

That link points to the main multi grain page. Click on the Cheddar Puffs link and scroll to the White Cheddar version. The other kind of cheddar puffs, the bright orange ones, said they were artificially flavored, and I thought that might be kind of gross.

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