Thursday, June 12, 2008

South Beach Update

So... I really have been eating, though from the lack of activity on this blog, you wouldn't know it!

I lost about 10 pounds on the first 2 weeks of Phase 1 of South Beach Diet. Then, I went on a cruise, put on about 6 pounds, and started Phase 1 again for two more weeks when I got back. Man, was that difficult. It was okay for the first week (or third, really) but then I just got really tired of salad and started missing fruit.

I started Phase 2 on Monday, and so far, so good. I thought I'd be really happy to eat bread, but really, it's not that awesome. Maybe I'm just not eating the right bread. I have some Nature's Promise (Stop and Shop healthy line) multi-grain, and it's okay, but not like "Oh my god, I can't believe I've been missing this!!". What I really miss is the chewy restaurant bread that you dip in olive oil. YUM. But that's usually not whole grain, so it's out for now.

Some initial thoughts about Phase 2: I'm so happy I can eat fruit again and am really happy it's spring and good berries are about to be in season. Strawberries! Blueberries! Also, today I had a granny smith apple with peanut butter. That was delicious. I also really enjoy having cereal for breakfast. I'm trying All Bran. It's alright. Not like, freaking incredible, but alright, with blueberries in it. I don't like the Trader Joe's Whole Wheat Couscous. Grainy, dry, terrible. Not having it.

More updates in a while.


Anonymous said...

If you want good tasty bread, make it yourself right? I'm surprised you haven't gone in that direction based on your fixation with food. No sarcasm intended here. Just an observation.

Melissa said...

I know, you're right. I should make my own bread. I even have a kitchen aid mixer with a dough hook. I just don't have a lot of time. Or maybe I'm lazy? I always think that bread is a lot of work but it probably isn't, it's probably just the rise cycles that make it seem like a lot. But... delicious chewy crusty whole grain bread WOULD be good. I think I'll look for a recipe. :)